My Silver Edge Micro Particle Colloidal Silver Generator and why I love it

Making Colloidal silver at home with ease! Continue reading

A DIY Life: Amazing Combo – Earth’s Living Clay Wound Warrior – Colloidal Silver – Olbas oil -Poultice for Stings/Bites

Ouch! Time to sooth that bite or sting!

What an awesome combo, Wound Warrior, Colloidal Silver & Olbas Oil!

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All of you know how much I love bentonite clay (Wound Warrior) & use it for so much in myspray bottle wound warrier 2DIY Life, Skin, Hair, deodorant, Tooth powder, healing, for health, for my animals/pets on & on. I also rave about Colloidal silver and the seemingly never-ending uses for health & my Frugal DIY life. And everyone knows I love essential oils & Olbas oil is a must on my list of essential oils. Combine them & they can be amazing for skin issues such as Eczema, Psoriasis, Hives, Rashes, Acne (Blackheads/Pimples), Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Boils, Stings & bites & whatever else your skin can come up with 🙂

A DIY Life: Amazing Combo – Earth’s Living Clay Wound Warrior – Colloidal Silver – Olbas oil poultice for Stings/Bites

But today we are going to discuss using these 3 for bites & stings in a combo. Yes I know olbas oil 1there are other great natural  items that can effectively be used for bites, stings & every skin issue under the sun. If you cruise through my blog posts & my Facebook page you will find many natural ways to treat bites, stings & skin conditions that are awesome. So just because I am sticking to talking about these 3 items in a combo by no means that I do not use other natural DIY ideas for my skin.

What a combo!

About a month ago now I got stung by a bee in between my fingers, kinda right there where my wedding ring sits on the inside of my ring finger between my 2 fingers, you know that wound warrier 1very soft thin skin. I almost could not get my wedding set off & my fingers swelled out away from each other. I sprayed colloidal silver with Olbas oil on it & then packed on the Earth’s Living Clay “Wound Warrior”, Instant soothing! I then applied more Wound Warrior to make it pretty thick, all over both fingers, in between on the sting. Every time the mud started drying I spritzed it with colloidal silver & Olbas oil.

I had gotten stung just as it was getting dark & for me bee stings usually last forever, I wolbas oil 2ashed off the Wound Warrior mud in the morning it was not hurting or itching & the swelling was minimal. So I sprayed it again with the colloidal silver Olbas oil combo & re-applied more Wound Warrior on thick & I kept respraying the clay as it dried. Within just a few hours all signs of the sting were gone.

If you look up using bentonite clay, colloidal silver & essential oils on Wasp or bee stings the Silver edge colloidal silver generatorbentonite clay poultice will draw the stinger out, sooth, protect & heal. Colloidal silver is also great for stings, healing & protection, & the Olbas oil with essential oils in it is soothing, great for itching & inflammation.

Other times we have used this combo: While in FL 6 weeks or so ago we also used this combo for mosquito bites, fire ant bites & other stings successfully. Since coming home I have tried it on sweat bee sting, ant bites, mosquitos, no see ums, fly bites, tick bites, flea bites, Wasp, bee & hornet stings, chiggers & even stinging nettle with great soothing healing results. (And also used it to sooth & heal a sting from some kind of stinging caterpillar my son decided to pick up) My teens love this combo & my 15 year loves using it for her acne.

My third daughter is allergic to Wasp & bee stings & has even in the past needed an Epi Pen shot when stung & this combo stopped the reaction right away for her. (for her I also gave her Calcium Montmorillonite clay & colloidal silver as a precaution & to help her more) She is a a preteen & loves using this combo.

To read my reviews & info on each of these items check out my blog posts

Other great items to use for stings, bites & skin issues you can look into: Lavender essential oil, Oregano oil, Tea tree oil (& other essential oils), Raw coconut oil, Baking soda, Bragg Apple cider vinegar, Coconut water vinegarCitrus vinegar, Raw Honey, Lemon Juice, Lime juice, Meat tenderizer, Epsom Salt, Corn Starch, Milk of magnesia, Plantain (& here), Dandelion, Floral oils, & many herbs & spices.

You can now follow me on Instagram & keep up with my photos of great products, or whatever musings I may have, follow me raising6kids here.


Do you have a question? Do you want to contact me? It is easy to contact me with your questions. Go here


My blogs: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsNFR6K BloggerNFR6K DIY Green CleaningNaturally Teen Approved NFR6K Reviews

What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling? That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)

You will notice in a lot of my DIY posts I recommend colloidal silver, but where do I buy mine? I make my own with a Colloidal silver generator, I can make a qt for just pennies.

Facebook Pages:

You can also follow me on: Pinterest, Google+, Instagram & Twitter

Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)

SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments. In many cases these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

All  information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.


By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

Recycle – Upcycle – Hey where did you get that container for your DIY products?

Hey where did you get that container? Recycled containers with A DIY life, what could be better!

I get these question so much from fans & readers:
Do I need to use glass or plastic for my DIY products?
Where do I buy containers for my DIY supplies?
So I will answer both questions the best I can & give you some ideas on using what you have or your friends have. But I will cover recycling what you have more since this idea fits in best with most DIY lives.

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recyclePictured above: 2 creamer containers, a drink mix container & a parmesan cheese shaker, Bragg vinegar glass bottle, peroxide bottle what is in them? from L to R, Citrus vinegar, Epsom salt, Borax, Baking soda, vinegar lemon cleaner & peroxide & lemon juice cleaner & bleach alternative.

 Do I need to use glass or plastic for my DIY products?
For me this one would defiantly be only use glass, & we do use glass mostly, but with little hands for things like baking soda as soap/body wash, no poo mixtures, toothpaste/powders, some spray cleaners on & on. So for those I use plastic.

002I do try to stick to glass jars I recycle or mason jars for things like my Clay powder, Food grade diatomaceous earth, Food grade peroxide, Colloidal silver, protein mixes,honey raw coconut oil (I buy in bulk & add to coconut oil jars I have saved).

Even small glass spray bottle I use for carrying things like Colloidal silver, sanitizer etc. (check out here what I carry in my purse)

For spray cleaners love to save my Bragg ACV/Coconut water vinegar glass bottles & just add a sprayer & use them & most of my kids can handle them with no issues.

I like glass jars, or bowls with lids to store or clean garden veges & greens in the fridge in. I

spray bottleSmall travel spray bottles: The little spray bottle I keep on my desk, in the bathroom & in my purse I also am recycling, I save brown, blue or clear glass bottles from things like vitamin drops, tinctures, herbals drops & homeopathic remedies etc & I buy the small travel size plastic spray bottle at discount stores (in the travel section) & simply add the pump sprayer off the plastic bottle I buy to the glass bottle I have saved. I then save the dropper in case I need it for something else. These little spray bottles are used for colloidal silver, spray hand sanitizer, & spray deodorant, I also use the plastic travel spray pumps I buy as well for several things I carry in my purse.

But as I said we do use plastic but 99% we have saved & recycled into unique uses. And I have found I do not even have to buy the products that were once in the containers, friends & neighbors are very happy to save them for me. just DIY liquid Landryclean & dry them well & either add labels or use a sharpie to write what is in them, my kids love adding the names for me.

Tip from my fan Shari: I LOVE using my regular mouth mason jars and capping them w/ old parmesan lids. They fit so nice and are so useful for everything.

The empty plastic containers I use:

  • baking soda body washGrated Parmesan cheese shaker: for baking soda by the sinks & on the tub for use as soap, body wash, toothpaste (powders), deodorant (powders) & no poo. Also great for your salt to keep it dry (either table salt for cleaning or natural for your health) these work great to keep things dry & have 2 choices for a pour top.
  • Creamer bottles: Both from liquid & powder creamers, I add containercitrus vinegar (for no poo) No poo pre made mixtures & conditioner mixtures, Salt, Epsom salt (for baths, adding Epsom salt to other products or for my plants, & no poo etc.) Borax (no poo & laundry) Food Grade diatomaceous earth (when I am giving some away for a friend to try) Raw sugar (keeps it dry & safe) these both work great for liquids & pouring or to keep dry things dry & pouring.
  • Plastic bottles with lids: I will store most anything in them that I can not find a glass jar for. great to keep things dry & using a scoop to get out as much as you need.
  • peroxide cleanerPeroxide bottles: Mainly I add a spray top & use for straight peroxide or for anything that has peroxide in it (cleaners, spot remover spray, laundry room, room deodorizers etc)
  • Gallon vinegar jugs: Love these for making large amounts of No poo/Conditioner, bottles DIYLandry room Whitener/Brightener/bleach substitute, Liquid laundry soap, Citrus vinegar (prefer glass but oh well), watering my plants. I can make large amounts & refill my smaller containers as needed.
  • Soap squirt bottles: I use these for making liquid soaps when needed (like baking soda water or borax water) for washing stains, laundry room, tubs, no poo, dishes etc.
  • Those Red & Yellow restaurant ketchup & mustard bottles: these can be found cheaply at most stores & work great for pre made beauty products, no poo products, some toothpastes/powders, oils etc.
  • Other plastic containers with lids that can be reused: various uses, use your toothpaste (2)imagination (container pictured to the right is a recycled Lifesavers Minis container used for DIY toothpastes & powders)

Just get creative with glass & plastic jars, they can be used so many ways & misting spray bottles, travel sizecan be painted (on the outside) or have great labels added that makes them look cool.

Where do I buy containers for my DIY supplies?
If you do a Google search for containers many great places come up in every size & shape you can think of in glass & plastic. But you can also buy Ball Mason Jars, Trial size plastic bottle & spray bottles, seal top containers like Rubbermaid or ziplock at most stores (like big grocery stores, Wal marts, Dollar stores, Targets, Big lots etc.)


Do you have a question? Do you want to contact me? It is easy to contact me with your questions. Go here


My blogs: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsNFR6K BloggerNFR6K DIY Green CleaningNaturally Teen Approved NFR6K Reviews

What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling? That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)
Facebook Pages:

You can also follow me on: Pinterest, Google+ & Twitter

Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)

SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments. In many cases these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

All  information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.


By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

Sharing Green, Natural, Safe, Non-Toxic, Frugal DIY Ideas

Info on what we use, how we use it & all things DIY

Natural & Frugal

DIY Everything.
For us, when it comes to DIY it needs to be easy, effective frugal & as natural as possible, That is not asking too much is it? Nope!

Our DIY life, living green, natural & frugal, with 6 kids.
Every year out of our tax return I buy what I hope to be a year supply of things we need & use but can not afford otherwise, if it does not last the whole year I will just be out until tax time again, most I buy on ebay or Amazon, a few I buy locally.

Things used for DIY &/or Health to be bought yearly

The things used for DIY &/or health to be bought weekly or as needed

  • Bragg Brand ACVbragg 004
  • Gallons distilled white vinegar
  • Raw local honey or raw honey if local can’t be found
  • Lemons & limes fresh
  • Lemon & lime juice
  • Borax
  • Baking soda any brand
  • Original blue Dawn (I know not natural but comes down to it works, it does not bother us & I can get a big jug for $3.50)
  • Zote bar soap
  • Octagone bar soap
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Store peroxide in brown bottles ( for cleaning only but I still prefer food grade even for cleaning)peroxide cleaner
  • Ground cloves  in grocery store (the spice)
  • Corn starch & arrow root
  • Herbal teas or supplies to make fresh teas (Chamomile, Green tea, Comfrey, Ginger etc)
  • Epsom Salt
  • Plus I make lots of my own DIY items (Here, here & here)

Note: I do not buy Washing soda I make my own from baking soda

To pin this post on Pinterest
To see the brands of what we use: Photo album: This is what we use  & Pinterest Board: Products: Things we use

You can take 1 TBS Bragg acv in warm water with raw honey to taste (depending on if you are fighting a cold or hurting etc, you could also add 1 tbsp raw coconut, 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice) My blog post on Vinegar/ACV

ACV mixture for

  • Pain (works great for most pain)
  • to fight off cold & flu
  • To get well faster
  • Headaches
  • stomach aches
  • Cramps
  • Hot flashes
  • Food poisoning
  • Stomach bug
  • diarrhea
  • Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion & other stomach issues
  • feeling tired
  • Morning pick me up
  • Joint pain
  • Soothes sore throat
  • Helps clear congestion, coughing & mucus
  • Kidney infection, UTI etc)
  • Great for allergies
  • Great for Acne & other skin issues
  • And general health

You can also add Bragg acv to water & take like a shot if you need extra faster for the same reasons as above

Lemon juice
Juice from 1/2 a lemon (or 1 tbsp of juice) added to warm water with raw honey to taste every morning & as needed (sometimes adding 1 tbsp raw coconut oil) My blog post on Lemons (& limes)

Used for

  • Detoxing lymphs
  • Also great for kidneys (Uti etc)
  • Fights cold & flu
  • Acne
  • Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion & other stomach issues
  • Relaxing
  • soothes sore throat
  • General health

Again you can also add it to water & take like a shot, & or even add lime juice

Silver edge colloidal silver generatorColloidal Silver,
Colloidal silver can be added to the drinks above (ACV, Lemon) for an extra boost, or taken alone, add it to our DIY cleaners for more natural antibacterial power, preserving & use in brushing teeth, on hair, scalp, skin, etc, in a nebulizer also (Colloidal silver in my DIY life)

For colloidal silver to work properly when taken, make sure you take it right, this step is a must, hold it under tongue for 1 minute, swish around mouth for 30 seconds then swallow. My blog post on Colloidal silver & my generator

Use it for

  • To build immune system
  • To ward of allergies, cold & flu
  • To fight allergies, cold & flu
  • For Pain
  • Headaches
  • Stomach aches
  • Toothaches
  • diarrhea
  • Hand sanitizer
  • To fight acne
  • Dandruff
  • Boo boos
  • Burns
  • Rashes
  • Skin issues
  • To keep foods & drinks from spoiling & bacteria or mold from forming(IE milk, cheese, fruits, veges, leftovers tea, on & on)
  • General health
  • Its uses are almost endless

The amount taken is by weight, I make 10ppm batches with my micro particle colloidal silver generator

Baking soda
(for health & remedy, cleaning will come later)
Add 1 tsp to 4 to 8 ounces of water stir 1 minute, for best results  take a small sip hold it under tongue for 1 minute, swish around mouth for 30 seconds then swallow, drink the rest (or add it to other things, or bath etc) if you take baking soda daily or often you might need to take magnesium. My blog post on baking soda And another here

Use it for

  • Cold & Flu Prevention
  • To fight off cold, flu & other bugs
  • Acne
  • To get well faster
  • Sore throat
  • Pain (works well for most pain
  • Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion & other stomach issues
  • Stomach ache
  • Kidney health
  • Build immune system
  • Body PH
  • Allergies
  • Congestion & mucus
  • Cramps
  • Itching (drink & soak)
  • Add pinch to coffee & tea etc to make less acidic
  • As a eye wash for allergy eyes, pink eye, swollen eyes, red eyes, etc
  • on & on

Raw coconut oil
Add it to warm/ hot beverages, smoothies, protein shakes, on top oatmeal, on toast etc
Here is a chart to know how much to take daily by weight. My blog post on Tropical Traditions coconut oil. I also use it for oil pulling.

Use it for

  • diarrhea
  • Allergies, Cold & flu (prevention & to help)
  • build immune system
  • For clear thinking
  • Helps skin from the inside out
  • Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion & other stomach issues
  • Cough & congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Mouth sores
  • Kidney issues
  • General health
  • on & on

Essential oil links:

Where to buy quality Essential oils at great prices

How to make your own 4 robbers Thieves blend – DIY Recipes – Fighting viruses and bacteria

Homemade DIY Bug Repellent and Stop Itch – Keep Insects Away Naturally

10 DIY Body Scrub Recipes – Sugar and Salt Scrubs – Coconut oil, Essential oils – Skin, Lips, Feet Care

My blog post & review on Plant Therapy & essential oils

Blogg post Fun Time, Get well Time, DIY Essential oil Play Dough

Blog post My purse is a total mini natural health pharmacy on my shoulder

Our (Top 6) favorite essential oils – Great for DIY cleaning, skin care health and more

DIY cleaning
Now to cleaning since I covered a few home remedies above

All cleaners can get 1/2 ounce of colloidal silver added to lengthen shelf life & for extra germ fighting power. You can add essential oils to any of these cleaners.

DIY cleaners are antibacterial, germ fighting etc

Multi Purpose cleaner #1
White vinegar in a spray bottle 50/50 with pure water (our favorite one)

  • Multi Purpose cleaner #2
    16 ounce spray bottle
    1 part white vinegar
    1 part lemon juice
    the rest pure water

Multi Purpose cleaner #3
1 part lemon juice
1 part peroxide
the rest pure water

the above recipes add as much as you want in spray bottle & you can add as much or as little or no water if you choose

Grease cutting cleaner
1 cup white vinegar
1 tbsp Natural liquid soap,
1 tbsp of Borax (dissolved in vinegar before adding)
1/2 cup lemon juice
Optional add 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol

Tub cleaner etc #1
Warm white vinegar & Natural liquid soap or dawn dish soap

  • Tub cleaner etc #2
    Baking soda & dawn dish soap in paste (like soft scrub)

Tub cleaner #3
Baking soda & lemon juice in paste (like soft scrub)

  • Tub cleaner etc #4
    Baking soda, Borax & water

Tub cleaner etc #5
Baking soda salt, lemon juice

Toilet cleaner
Baking soda & vinegar
Options add Natural liquid soap, dawn dish soap, lemon juice, Borax

Glass cleaner #1
Strait white vinegar or straight rubbing alcohol or combined

  • Glass cleaner #2
    If you have been using commercial glass cleaner & switching to DIY causes a cloudy look you must add several drops of dish soap to your cleaner to remove the wax left by the commercial cleaner
    If it is still cloudy warm the vinegar & add the dish soap & wash off glass/mirrors to get the wax off

Glass cleaner #3
White vinegar
small amount of corn starch & the rest water

More blog posts


Do you have a question? Do you want to contact me? It is easy to contact me with your questions. Go here


My blogs: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsNFR6K BloggerNFR6K DIY Green CleaningNaturally Teen Approved NFR6K Reviews

What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling? That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)
Facebook Pages:

You can also follow me on: Pinterest, Google+ & Twitter

Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)

SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments. In many cases these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

All  information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.


By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids