Review: Molly’s Suds Laundry powder

Molly’s Suds Laundry Powder (70 Loads)

  • Free of parabens & harsh chemicals.
  • No phosphates, No Sulfates, No Petrochemicals. Formulated for sensitive skin.
  • Fragrance free. Dye free & Ultra concentrated.
  • Friendly to the planet earth, the people & the animals & of course your clothes.
  • Excellent for sensitive skin, Septic Safe, Ideal for the entire family.
  • Affordable, effective & Eco-responsible.
  • Non GMO, Biodegradable, Certified Vegan, Certified cruelty-free.
  • Cloth Diaper & HE washer safe.

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Molly's Suds website
Yes we love DIY & we love natural & Molly’s suds fits into both perfectly in our family.

I contacted Molly’s suds because so many of my fans were telling me how much they loved their products & how their ingredients were so similar to the products & ingredients I recommended to my fans in DIY recipes. I had never used any Molly’s Suds products but was intrigued & then I totally felt why this family was created & I wanted to help spread the word about such a great company all after reading their store (Our Story) & reading about each product & the testimonials.

So for my fans who do not like or do not want to make their own DIY laundry products this is another great option for you.

So it is review time.

Molly’s suds has great customer service & great fast shipping. No complaints at all.

This review has given Molly’s suds a place in my heart & so out of our tax return every year IMollys suds 3 hope to support their company as much as I can & I also hope to support their company as much as I can sharing this with my fans & sharing on my various social media sites.

As a matter of fact the only warning I could find to give you about this great laundry powder is that if you like mint this laundry powder can be addicting & cause you to want to stand in the laundry room & smell it.  I do love mint, & yes I had read the ingredients but when the box arrived at my home & I immediately opened the package I realized I had had no idea about the amazingly yummy scent. It is a good thing we did not have company that day & that it was just me & my 6 kids because we kept passing the bag one to the next saying you have got to smell this laundry powder it is yummy, & each one as they smelled it & looked like they had just been given a gift. Yes we all love mint! From my youngest to my teens they already were in love & we had not even ran the first batch of clothes. Seriously! If I could add a scratch & sniff sticker to this blog post I think all my mint loving fans would be smiling just like we were. So Warning if you love mint you might be inclined to just keep the bag at your desk for minty aroma alone.

Lets wash some clothes!

So to the washer we headed, we read the directions & added one scoop in with every dirty smelly towel we could find (It was not hard since we had just bathed the dog plus we had also cleaned up funky smelling water that came from the fridge, & even had to clean up some dog pee) into the washer went all the towels & the Molly’s Suds. We ran the load on cold water & patiently awaited (or impatiently depending on what kid you ask). The towels turned out amazingly fresh, no odors not even a minty odor for those concerned about the mint hanging around, they felt soft before even going into the dryer. So into the dryer they went & a short time later we pulled out fresh clean towels.

Mollys suds 2Now for another test, stains!

So I soaked some clothes that were stained & also spot treated some stains with molly’s suds, both ways worked well depending on the stain, of course soaking worked better for set in stains, & as a plus soaking in hot water scented the air peppermint 🙂

Other ways we have been using Molly’s Suds.

This Laundry powder fits well with my other products, I used it with my Laundry ball, I used it with one of my DIY laundry powders, & I used it with Borax. It also worked well with my natural DIY bleach alternative & DIY ideas for softeners. Every way I tried it I loved it. ❤

I also came up with using it to clean our tub that stains easily & to clean the toilet & it tacked both jobs amazingly well.

Info from Molly’s Suds website:

Ingredients: Proprietary blend of: sodium carbonate sourced from the Green River Basin in Wyoming, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulfate (heptahydrate), unrefined sea salt, organic peppermint (menthe piperita) oil. No fillers. Contains no anti-caking or any free-flowing additives or conditioners. No optical brighteners. No GMO ingredients.

Amount to use: Ultra concentrated. Use only 1 Tablespoon (scoop included) per load.

Product description:

  • 70 loads
  • Enzyme Free Formula
  • Gluten-Free
  • This package is excellent for smaller family sizes, college students and for those just wanting to try it out!
  • Safe for High Efficiency Washers. Be sure to add the powder directly to your laundry tub. It is not formulated for the dispenser cup, though it dissolves completely during the wash cycle.
  • Our fabulous free flowing powder is perfume and dye free.  Safe for cloth diapers.
  • Cloth diaper wash cycle may require the use of more than the standard 1 Tablespoon depending on mineral content in the water.
  • No sodium laureth/lauryl sulfates, no phosphates, no petrochemicals, no formaldehyde, no parabens, no 1,4 dioxane, no fillers, no Diethanolamines, no synthetic surfactants, no PEG (polyethylene glycols), no NPE (nonylphenol ethoxylates).
  • Safe for high efficiency machines, add directly to the laundry tub. Biodegradable. Certified Vegan and Certified Cruelty Free by Leaping Bunny. Human and Pet Safe.
  • Great for those with sensitive skin. If you are at all conscious about what you put on your skin- remember laundry detergent is very toxic to humans and our earth. Our Laundry Powder is gentle to both you and the planet.

In conclusion.Mollys suds 1

If you are looking for a laundry powder that is safe for your family, check out Molly’s suds, & give them your support & tell all your friends about them.

Molly’s Suds has other products as well besides the Laundry Powder. Cloth diaper powder, 100% Wool Dryer, All Sport & Dog Shampoo.

Disclaimer: Molly’s Sudss provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review  in return for the free product.


Do you have a question? Do you want to contact me? It is easy to contact me with your questions. Go here


The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only, & is NOT intended to be medical advice. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments.
If you think you, or anyone in your home or who are under your care, are ill or in need medical treatment, please seek the needed medical treatment Any of the information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.

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Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own.


    Affiliate page to order SmartKlean Laundry ball

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SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids


Organo Gold – Black Coffee – My 30 day OG Challenge -Review

OG 4Organo Gold
Gourmet Black Coffee
With 100% certified Ganoderma extract.

Do you want healthier coffee? Then OG coffee might be right for you.
I did a review a little while back on the OG black coffee & the OG Green tea, check out my review here.

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Organo Gold’s Gourmet Black Coffee is sure to attract and awaken your senses. Its OG Organo Golddark smooth taste and deep aroma infused with authentic Ganoderma introduces coffee lovers to a new and delicious alternative. With OG’s Black Coffee, instantly enjoy the taste of freshly brewed coffee.

In response to messages I have gotten on other OG products & the ingredients in them: I want to point out that many fans have messaged me about the questionable ingredients in some of Organo Gold/OG’s products, First I do not sell OG so do not have first hand knowledge of all the products. Second, this is a good reminder to always do your homework on every product in a product line & that just because 1, 2 or more items in that product line are amazing does not mean the whole product line is amazing. I personally recommend the Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee & the Organo Gold Green tea as they both have just the black coffee & Ganoderma extract/ Green tea & Ganoderma extract & nothing else, no other ingredients, & I have personally used them. Beyond that you must decide yourself, & do your own research(well even research what I recommend since that’s what I always recommend first & foremost, research, research it again & research it deeper) thank you.

From Fan Kara on OG Black Coffee: I have been using OG for over a year and a half and also coconut oil, but not as consistently as my OG black coffee.  My cholesterol went down from 155 to 134!  Also significantly decreased my aches and pains, knots in my shoulders and completely eliminated my life long IBS.  Its fantastic stuff!

My 30 day OG challenge: This blog post is about me doing the 30 OG challenge, since doing my review several months back I have not been able to get more OG coffee even though I loved it, my plan was to get me a good supply out of next Organo Gold OG 5years tax return. But as all my fans know we went to go visit my home state of FL after 8 years the beginning of this month, while there I got to meet Carole of OG Café Ladies who sent me the original OG samples that I reviewed. We got to talking & Carole mentioned I should do the 30 day OG challenge. I was intrigued & asked more about it, basically for 30 days I use OG Black gourmet coffee every day & keep updating Carole & you of any changes to my health & updates I notice, or even any little side benefits I notice. So….. Challenge accepted!

I saw Carole a couple of times while in FL  & got my package of coffee the last day not long before we headed home. (I have a picture of Carole & myself, but please excuse how rough I OG Oragano Goldlook, the FL heat took me down lol) I waited OG 2until I got home to start the challenge, so day 1 was Monday July 8, 2013. So almost a week doing the challenge. Updates start below, & I will keep adding updates for the 30 days bi-weekly until the challenge is over. So check back to this blog post to get updates. I will start the updates off with the first 2 days I was on the challenge & today day 6. I love to use my morning coffee rather it is real coffee or a substitute as a great way to get a healthy start with getting part of my daily dose of raw Coconut oil, Pink Himalayan salt, baking soda etc. I have even been known to include some of my DIY floral waters to my coffee too. So you never know what healthy extras I might add to my healthy cup of Joe 🙂 But I love that the OG black coffee already has a major healthy kick with the added Organic Ganoderma extract.

My teenager loves OG black coffee so I better watch she does not steal any of my packets 🙂

How much caffeine do you drink in your brand?: Check it out here

OG instant coffee that taste like brewed: I personally have always preferred brewed coffee over instant anytime I opt to drink coffee over substitutes, even though the OG Organo Gold black coffee comes in a single serve packet that is instant I still love it & OG taste like brewed coffee too.

Just a few ways I love to fix & drink my coffee: – OG in hot water with natural cane sugar, and a spoon of raw coconut oil. – OG in hot water with raw honey & homemade coconut oil creamer. – OG iced coffee, – OG in a coconut milk smoothie, – 1/2 pack of OG in Hot water with a pinch of pink Himalayan salt, a pinch of baking soda, a spoon of raw coconut oil & a spoon of Cafix coffee substitute.

30 Day OG Challenge updates:

OG 3Day 1, July 8, 2013: Today I started the challenge, I am worn out from my trip & the heat Organo Gold OG 2made me sick, so I really needed a pick me up, So I made an iced coffee with added raw coconut oil in the blender. Boy did it hit the spot too!

Day 2, July 9, 2013: Ahh a hot cup of coffee hit the spot, I added a pinch of pink Himalayan salt, a pinch of baking soda, a spoon of raw coconut oil & sweetened to taste with natural cane sugar & used DIY creamer, emmm a morning healthy treat & It really helped get rid of a stress headache.

Organo Gold  OG 1July 14, 2013 6 days on the challenge: Just like last time when I used OG for just a couple of days I have noticed it gets rid of headaches & that the caffeine in OG black coffee does not bother me like it does in normal coffee. I was worn out after my trip but I think the OG helped me to snap back faster & maybe even stay focused on all the work I was behind on.

July 17: Yesterday was an off day for me so I saw no change even after drinking my OG, but thank goodness today I woke improved & last night I slept better than I have in a few weeks, so coffeeafter Oil pulling & a few other morning health related things I do I had me a cup of OG, I used around half the pack & a tsp. of Cafix, a spoon of raw coconut oil, pinch of pink salt & a couple of ounces of jasmine water. Yesterday I had my OG coffee like this. I love to get creative with my coffee & incorporate other healthy things I use daily right in my coffee to kick up the flavor in different directions & get a healthy start to the day all in one. Oh I have not had any headaches now in wow I guess 4 or 5 days & that is so not me.

July 20: I love-making different mixtures in my coffee using natural products to give it different health benefits & an extra health kick, & maybe just to get my daily raw coconut oil in, but I also like doing it because it keeps things interesting 🙂 I am drinking my morning coffee with a 1/2 pack of OG black coffee, a tsp. of OG coffee aCafix coffee substitute, natural cane sugar to taste & homemade creamer. So what creamer do I use, mine has milk (preferably raw & fresh) a fresh egg from my free range chickens, raw coconut oil, a bit of real vanilla & a bit of natural unrefined pink Himalayan salt in my blender or food processor. My creamer is based on the one in the recipe at the below link, I just change it to suit my whims & build on it sometimes, check it out.  (other ingredients I sometimes add, essential oils, colloidal silver, natural gelatin, raw honey. I have also used fresh made coconut milk, fresh made almond milk etc in the recipe)
A Primal Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer (makes a great delicious whipped cream also) Just coconut milk, egg & coconut oil here

My Husband does not like instant coffee at all so there was no way to even get him to try OG, he did finally let me add a packet to his coffee grounds in the filter when brewing his coffee, so in other words it brewed right along with the coffee, but this is another idea for those who want to still have brewed coffee, he normally adds 2 tbsp. of coffee grounds to his 12 cup maker, he added only just slightly less since the OG packet makes 1 cup, he put in his almost 2 tbsp. of coffee grounds & I poured the pack on the top & started the coffee, he loved it! of course that way it still tasted like his coffee so it was a win/win for him. I also tend to add several pinches of the natural unrefined salt & a pinch of baking soda to his coffee grounds, so yes that was in there too.

July 23: So just over 2 weeks on the challenge now! Here are a few of my thoughts & things I have noticed. No doubt the OG coffee is helping my headaches, I have also been looking forward to my cup of coffee more than usual, not sure if that is good or made I will have to get back to you on that LOL. I also have noticed I have slept better a couple of nights, only time will tell if that is the OG or not giving that side effect. I am drinking my first cup usually right after I oil pull every morning so it is very relaxing too.

Coffee is a great warm beverage to add some of your daily nutritional supplements to, just do not make your coffee taste bad 🙂 So many including myself love Raw coconut oil in our coffee so much that now coffee does not taste right without it &raw (Virgin) coconut oil is so healthy for you, so it combined with OG is a power duo for health, so drink up, get creative & 1

July 25: This morning I added 1/2 pack of OG coffee & 1 tsp. of Organic cocoa powder with beet juice & hibiscus in it, I added my spoon full of raw coconut oil of course & natural cane sugar to taste. I am still sleeping better so I am still pegging this to OG as the reason, I will be able to tell more once I get through the 30 days & then stop using OG for a bit so I can see the difference. Not a headache at all though since the first few days as they lessened daily.

July 28: I am for sure noticing much better sleep using the OG Black coffee, I did not drink it yesterday & did not sleep well last night so that is very interesting, & I can be getting a headache & drink a cup of OG black coffee and it goes away no matter how bad it was trying to be. Today I did want some brewed coffee because I smelled some brewing, rarely do I Organo Gold Blackwant it so I decided to make me 1/2 a pot with less coffee grounds & adding a whole pack of OG black coffee to the grounds. It taste amazing & mixes well & satisfied my craving for brewed coffee.

August 2: Well less than a week left on the OG challenge & I am totally in love with OG black coffee every way I have made it & I am very pleased at the no headaches, & how well I am sleeping. I have shared a couple with my 17-year-old & she says it settles her stomach & does not make her at all jittery or sick & it helped during PMS cramping. (she’s always had stomach issues & coffee has always made her to jittery) Speaking of jittery regular coffee rather brewed or instant & even many hot cocoa/chocolate drinks not only make me jittery, many times I feel down right sick after drinking them, I even feel this sickness slightly sometimes after I drink my coffee substitute Cafix. But I have never felt jittery or sick from the OG black coffee, not even in the slightest. So if you love coffee but get jittery or sick or have a reaction try the OG black coffee & let me know how it works for you.

Me & OG

Me & OG
Mug I won & I won a box of black OG coffee

August 5: I am loving OG coffee so much, & I have had some great comments from fans on their OG coffee journey, OG black coffee for sure is awesome for many people. Today I made my coffee with around 1/2 pack of OG black coffee, a spoon of raw coconut oil a pinch of natural unrefined Pink Himalayan salt, colloidal silver & my homemade creamer emmm.  I was not feeling that well this morning & the OG settled my stomach. Yesterday evening I was feeling the same way & I made a cup of OG black coffee using about 1/3 of a pack & used Cafix, raw coconut oil, Turmeric & colloidal silver & I felt so much better after & still slept fine last night. I love sitting down in the morning with a cup of OG coffee & enjoying my kids as they get up, this morning it was me & my youngest. Quality time!


My OG winnings

August 13: Sorry about being late on the conclusion of the 30 day challenge, a lack of internet prevented me from closing this up right on the 30 days, but no matter I am here now. My thought on OG black coffee are that I do love it & intend to try & buy me a supply at tax return time if I can fit it into the budget. How do I feel, I for sure have slept better & for me that’s big. No headaches other than some that tried to come on but I drank a cup of OG black coffee & they were history (again that’s big for me). OG did give me energy even though it helped me sleep even when I drank a cup late in the day, it also was soothing & relaxing. So my take is I have no problem at all recommending Organo Gold’s Black coffee for coffee lovers, the health conscious & for all around health benefits from the added Organic Ganoderma extract. So make sure you contact Carole at OG Café Ladies Facebook page here  to get more info, get a sample or to purchase your own OG black coffee.

Tell me what you like to add to your coffee or hot beverage for health?

More updates soon………

Organo Gold OG 3
Disclaimer: Carole of C.U. Succeed Independent Distributor (Of OG Café ladies) provided me with a 30 day supply of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review.


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The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only, & is NOT intended to be medical advice. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments.
If you think you, or anyone in your home or who are under your care, are ill or in need medical treatment, please seek the needed medical treatment Any of the information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.

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Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own.
  • To contact me: Go here

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids


Review: Tropical Traditions, Powdered Dishwasher Detergent, Use & DIY

Yup it is review time again!

Tropical Traditions / Household Traditions Dishwasher Detergent

Product offered for review by: Tropical Traditions For more info on whats in this detergent & whats not go to my other post here

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TT Dishwasher1I decided to giveaway & review this dishwasher detergent because I could easily carry it with me on vacation & I could also let other members of my family try it & It could be put to the test on dishes from large gatherings & a multitude of foods & several different dishwashers. So yes this detergent got a major workout for 8 days. The giveaway ended today & I got back from vacation the other day so now it is now time to add my review of this product. And I also have a few great DIY Ideas for using this product, but I am sure that comes as no surprise to my fans.

Household Traditions Powdered Dishwasher Detergent With Enzymes is free of: Chlorine, Phosphates, Fillers & Fragrances . Though you can use a rinse aid with Household Traditions Powdered Dishwasher Detergent, it is not necessary, as it leaves your dishes spotless and clean! (As with any dishwashing detergent, do not use on  real silver as tarnishing may occur).

To read all my reviews on Tropical Traditions products go here


Well as my fans & followers know I love Tropical Traditions products, I have not yet found one product I do not love & that includes the products they send me to review & the products I have purchased myself. From Lip moisturizer to raw coconut oil, Natural dish liquid to Protein dishwasher detergentpowder Tropical Traditions is an amazing company to deal with & to purchase from, top-notch customer service & high quality products. Nothin better!
The Powdered dishwasher detergent arrived just a day or 2 before we left for FL to go on vacation with family, so I just packed it & took it along. It was used everyday with such great results that my Aunt ordered her 2 containers that arrived while I was still visiting her (yup super fast shipping by TT Dishwasher 3Tropical Traditions) My cousin’s wife & another family member also took enough for 1 load & used it & loved it. My cousins wife said her dishwasher had rust builtup inside & just doing one load with this powdered dish detergent got rid of all the rust.(they all might be converts now LOL) Anyhow the dishwasher ran sometimes 2 to 3 times a day & everything looked awesome, no greasy or spotty dishes & they felt clean not covered in residue of any kind. We used it straight the first 3 days sometimes adding white vinegar as a rinse aid sometimes adding nothing extra & every time without any issues. After that we used the below DIY mixture created & loved by my Aunt.  This powdered dishwasher detergent was put to the test time & time again & passed with flying colors.
So if you are looking for a safe alternative to commercial dishwasher detergents this product might just be the answer, but wait! How about DIY detergent? or better yet using the Tropical Traditions powdered dishwasher detergent in DIY recipes?

DIY & Dishwasher powder:

Ok yes I must create DIY ideas from this dishwasher powder, that’s just the frugal me, if it is going to be in my home it will have multiple uses & be used in DIY recipes 🙂TT Dishwasher 2

Hand washing dish soap: 4 cups hot water, 1 tbsp. of Tropical Traditions Powdered Dishwasher detergent, 4 tbsp. Tropical traditions dish liquid, dissolve well & add to leftover liquid dish soap container, use as normal. Optional add washing soda &/or Borax.

Dishwasher powder: Equal parts Tropical Traditions, Powdered Dishwasher detergent, Borax & Washing soda, mixed & stored in a seal tight container, use 1 to 3 tbsp. per load depending on your water & machine. No need to add a rinse aid for most water types but if needed use white vinegar &/or lemon juice or Epsom salt. (you could also add some Epsom salt to the mixture) We used this for most of my FL trip & loved it, the credit goes to my Aunt for this DIY mixture. (great to get rid of rust)

Rust: To get rust out of dishwasher just run a wash with the above mixture or use this dish powder strait, you can also scrub with it as needed. To clean rust from toilets, tile, grout, sinks or whatever use the above mixture & scrub with a brush.

Laundry booster: Equal parts Borax, Washing soda, Tropical traditions Powdered Dishwasher detergent & Tropical Traditions powdered laundry detergent, mix together & store in airtight container, use as normal. Option to add Epsom salt.

White clothes pre-Soak: 3 gallons hot water, 2 tbsp. Tropical Traditions Powdered Dishwasher detergent, 2 tbsp. Borax & 3 tbsp. lemon juice, dissolve in water, add whites like underwear, socks or other white garments, bedding or towels. Soak several hours or overnight, this can be done right in the washer & then just run a normal cycle. Or just add the wet clothes right to a normal washing.

Coffee & tea stains on china, stainless pots or other dishes: Make a paste with the Tropical Traditions Powdered Dishwasher detergent & the Tropical traditions dish liquid & scrub the stains, you can also allow the paste to sit on stain before scrubbing.

Tub, Tile & grout cleaner: Mix equal parts Tropical Traditions Powdered Dishwasher detergent & baking soda with either water or Tropical traditions dish liquid & scrub then rinse

What about you, what DIY ideas would you use this Tropical Traditions, Powdered Dishwasher detergent for?


Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. _______________________________________________________

I am NOT a doctor. This page is for education only, and is NOT intended to be medical advice. Always talk with your health practitioner before taking any herbs or supplements.

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Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest & Twitter Facebook Blog page: Natural & Frugal Blog Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label – 1 quart How to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

  • Tropical Traditions video on Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil.
  • “If you order by clicking on any of my links and have never ordered from Tropical Traditions in the past, you might receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, and I will receive a discount coupon for referring you.”

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  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own.
  • Contact details: Go to my Facebook & contact me, or contact on Twitter

#12 DIY Cleaning Ceilings: How to be Green & Healthy

DIY all things cleaning the ceilings in your home.

back nfr6k

Are you enjoying my blog series on cleaning room by room? Are you ready for post #12 in this series? And one of the awesome things about natural DIY cleaning is if you have been following & applying the series you already have everything you need to clean your whole house. I basically use the same natural items Ito clean everywhere in my home. Using the same items like Vinegar for cleaning the whole house saves everyone time, money & health plus the added peace of mind knowing that using these products in your home is safe for you, your family & the environment. This article is for cleaning your ceilings fast, easy & effectively using DIY safe natural cleaning products. A blog post on DIY cleaning your vehicles will be the subject of the next blog post in this series, so stay tuned for that.

You can go to any of the other 11 post in this series of articles & safely use the recipes found in them to clean almost everything in your home, cars etc so I highly recommend you check them out for more cleaning ideas for cleaning your ceilings also.

Some of the things you need for DIY ceiling cleaning:

Make sure to check out my series of articles: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room, I will be adding articles on how to clean each room in your house, DIY, natural & frugal. Blog series of articles on: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room.

All things DIY for the whole house, Green cleaning, subjects being added: laundry, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, kids bedrooms, nursery, office, floors, walls, ceilings, vehicles, & Pest control.

DIY clean ceilings: How to Green & Healthy, but if you are new to DIY cleaning & my blog series you might ask: Are these DIY ideas as effective to kill germs, fungus  &  bacteria  like commercial cleaning  products do?
My loud affirmative answer is: YES! You bet they are! but I am guessing if you have been following this series you agree & have looked up all the info provided in blog posts 1 -8, as I always say, research, research, research! If you ask me I will very fast tell you DIY green cleaning is down right amazing, then add to that we get sick so very rarely so that’s a big clue to them no compromising our immune system & them working. I also have known many friends who while switching to DIY natural cleaners saw their health improve greatly.

Now onto how to make all things: DIY Cleaning your Ceilings.

cleaners On ceiling just like on walls & other surfaces I always suggest using caution if using anything wet or that can stain, so yes research your type of finish & spot check painted ceilings,  wood, stucco or other types of finishes etc.

From Post #5
Food on ceilings or walls
If none of the DIY spray cleaners work try this. Make a paste of baking soda & water, baking soda & peroxide, baking soda & vinegar etc & simply wipe on & rub gently & simply wipe off with a clean damp sponge.

From Post #9
Ceiling fans box fans etc: simply use a DIY spray cleaner or DIY dusting spray, simply spray and wipe box fans. For ceiling fans spray the blade & spray lightly the inside of a pillow case, slide pillow case over blade & use a broom to slide around & clean both sides & simply pull off.

Small holes in ceilings. ceiling1
Make a thick paste with baking soda & water, or borax & water & simply fill holes, wait for them to dry & paint over them, this can also be done with white toothpaste. This is for small holes only.


Killing & Repelling Flies, Gnats/Fruit flies, Spiders & other bugs (Spray):
Use a large spray bottle
16 oz rubbing alcohol  (or grain alcohol)
1 tsp eucalyptus essential oil
1 tsp peppermint essential oil
1 tsp natural liquid soap (Like Castile etc or original blue dawn)
Fill the rest of the bottle with water or use straight for best results
Lightly mist on ceilings, & spray spiders & other bugs, I use this on my drywall ceilings that have knockdown on them just fine, never have issues.
Can be used as a cleaner to help repel around the house.

You can use the mixture without the essential oils but it will not work to repel spiders & in other cases might not work as well

Optional add 1 tsp food grade diatomaceous earth, but if you add the DE do not use as a cleaner simply because it can leave a chalky residue behind. Spray gnats & flies etc.


Bugs (powder):
Food grade diatomaceous earth is the best natural bug killer including roaches, it is a bit harder to get on ceilings (try not to breath too much in as just like any powder it can be a mild lung irritant) but you can use various way to get the DE in spots that bugs enter, like putting it in the holes & crack by applying with a damp or dry sponge, paintbrush, cotton swabs etc or using any number of dusters & applicators. I leave DE out at all times, I only clean it off the ceilings & add new about every 8 weeks or if I start seeing new spiders, roaches or other bugs.



Roach killer & repel spray:
Simply colloidal silver is amazing at killing a repelling roaches, it does not work as fast as DE does but it is great, I add colloidal silver to a spray bottle & spray the areas they frequent or enter, after a few days you see less roaches then you start finding some dead roaches. I add colloidal silver to all my DIY spray cleaners DIY room/deodorizing sprays & DIY bug sprays it is not only great for germs & bacteria & preserving the cleaner naturally it helps repel roaches while you spray. more info here)


Mold on ceilings spray #1peroxide cleaner
1 bottle of peroxide 3/4 full
add 20 drops of tea tree essential oil
& fill the other 1/4 with lemon juice.
Simply add a spray top to the bottle & spray mold.
Mold can be tricky & you might need to scrub if the discoloration does not go away after several weeks of adding the spray, try using a toothbrush, baking soda/borax & the spray, but sometimes the mold is gone & the color remains so you might just need to paint over the spot after you kill the mold.
Mold on ceilings spray #2
Large spray bottle
20 drops tea tree essential oil
1 cup peroxide
1 cup of warm water with 4 tbsp. of borax & 2 tbsp. of baking soda dissolved into it, add to spray bottle, top off bottle with more peroxide, do the same as above.

Dusting spray for ceilings:

1 part rubbing alcohol, 1 part white or citrus vinegar
Essential oil of choice.
in spray bottle
spray & wipe with dry wash cloth, repeat as needed
Spider webs:
My favorite way to get them down is to vacuum them down.
But you can also spray a DIY cleaner or straight vinegar on a clean broom lightly & use it to get them down,
General cleaning of light fixtures:
If you can remove the fixtures soak them in warm baking soda water, scrub if needed with a tooth-brush, rinse in vinegar water, allow to dry.
If they can not be removed simply use a DIY glass cleaner
Cleaning wood trim: 
1 Spray bottle
1/2 of spay bottle with vinegar (Apple cider vinegar for dark wood, white vinegar or light wood)
3 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp of olive oil is small spray bottle, 4 tsp if large spray bottle (option: use vegetable oil instead)
5 drops lemon essential oil
Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water
Combine mix spray & wipe.
To shine brass & metals on light fixtures or on ceiling fans etc:
Use a DIY spray cleaner or warm baking soda & borax water for tough jobs. using a toothbrush if needed. Wipe clean with damp sponge.
Optional: use above wood cleaner & buff to shine.
Cigarette smoke stains:
Use strait white vinegar or citrus vinegar to scrub with a brush, wash cloth or sponge, for some surfaces you need to do this allow to dry then repaint. (works for walls too)


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My blogs: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsNFR6K BloggerNFR6K DIY Green CleaningNaturally Teen Approved NFR6K Reviews

What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling? That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)
Facebook Pages:

You can also follow me on: Pinterest, Google+ & Twitter

Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)

SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments. In many cases these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

All  information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.


By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

#11 DIY Wall cleaning: How to be Green & Healthy

DIY all things cleaning the Walls in your home.

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Are you ready for post 11 in my blog series on cleaning room by room? And if you have been following the series you already have everything you need, since I basically use the same natural items Ito clean everywhere in my home. Using the same items like Vinegar for cleaning the whole house saves everyone time, money & health plus the added peace of mind knowing that using these products in your home is safe for you, your family & the environment. This article is for cleaning your walls fast, easy & effectively using DIY safe natural cleaning products. A blog post on DIY cleaning ceilings will be in the subject of the next blog post in this series, so stay tuned for that.

You can go to any of the other 10 post in this series of articles & safely use the recipes found in them to clean almost everything in your home, cars etc so I highly recommend you check them out for more cleaning ideas.

Some of the things you need for DIY Wall cleaning:

Make sure to check out my series of articles: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room, I will be adding articles on how to clean each room in your house, DIY, natural & frugal. Blog series of articles on: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room.

All things DIY for the whole house, Green cleaning, subjects being added: laundry, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, kids bedrooms, nursery, office, floors, walls, ceilings, vehicles, & Pest control.

DIY clean Walls: How to Green & Healthy, but are these DIY ideas as effective to kill germs & bacteria  like commercial cleaning  products do?cleaners2
My answer again is: YES you bet they are! but I am guessing if you are still reading this series you agree & have looked up all the info provided in blog posts 1 -8, as I always say, research, research, research! If you ask me I will very fast tell you DIY green cleaning is down right amazing, then add to that we get sick so very rarely so that’s a big clue to them no compromising our immune system & them working. I also have known many friends who while switching to DIY natural cleaners saw their health improve greatly.

To pin this blog post on Pinterest

cleaners Now onto how to make all things: DIY Cleaning your Walls.

On walls I always suggest spot checking first, cheap paints & flat paint can easily be ruined, so it is best to only clean painted walls that are semi gloss, high gloss & quality paints, as to wood, wallpaper or tile walls mostly refer to the info on the type & any sealer or shine it may have added.

These 2 recipes are rom Post #4 Livingroom & can be used to dust, clean any wood surface including wood walls, molding, trim etc
Dusting spray for wood (shine): 1 Spray bottle 1/2 of spay bottle with vinegar (Apple cider vinegar for dark wood, white vinegar or light wood) 3 tbsp lemon juice 2 tsp of olive oil is small spray bottle, 4 tsp if large spray bottle (option: use vegetable oil instead) 5 drops lemon essential oil Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water Combine mix spray & wipe.
Wood cleaner Vinegar & Olive oil equal amounts, use a wash cloth & buff wood (Apple cider vinegar for dark wood, white vinegar or light wood)
Ink on walls: Spray with straight rubbing alcohol or make a rubbing alcohol & baking soda paste or a rubbing alcohol, baking soda & salt paste, gently rub on with dry wash cloth or toothbrush, after the stain is gone wipe off with clean damp wash cloth. Options to add: Eucalyptus essential oil.

Crayon or pencil marks on walls: make a paste of baking soda & water & gently rub on with dry wash cloth or toothbrush, after the stain is gone wipe off with clean damp wash cloth. Options to add Eucalyptus or Lemon essential oil

Fingerprints: Simply mix 3 tbsp of Borax & 2 TBS of baking soda in 1 large spray bottle with warm water, shake & use, for really tough jobs use one of the baking soda paste above first before the spray. Options to add to spray bottle: Dish Liquid, Essential oils

Food on walls: 1 part vinegar, 1 part lemon juice to 4 parts water added to large spray bottle spray & clean… Or 1 part peroxide & 1 part lemon juice to 4 parts water added to a large spray bottle (store in dark place when not in use) Options to add to sprays: Orange essential oil, Lemon essential oil.

Nail holes: small holes in walls, make a thick paste of baking soda & water simply fill hole then paint spot with q tip once dry or some prefer to mix the paint into the baking soda paste instead of water.baking soda

Mold on walls: This can be used in a spray bottle or in a bucket, mix 2 cups of white vinegar, 2 tablespoons of Tea tree oil for every 1/2 gallon of warm water, options to add: 2 tablespoons Natural liquid soap, 1 tablespoon of Eucalyptus essential oil ,3 tablespoons of grapefruit seed extract per 1/2 gallon of water. Also great is one spray bottle of straight vinegar & one spray bottle of straight peroxide spray the vinegar & wipe then spray the peroxide & wipe (do not mix in the same bottle) because mold can be very dangerous wear a mask & ventilate area, & try to not get mold into the air.

Scuffs on baseboard: Again a baking soda water paste, or baking soda mixed with any oil, use wash cloth to clean

Tile or granite wall cleaner: I have researched & all info states peroxide is safe on Granite, vinegar is not, so use a spray bottle with straight peroxide to clean granite & to clean & shine tile, peroxide is a great disinfectant also.

Musty, moldy, or pet smell on walls: 10 drops eucalyptus & 10 drops tea tree essential oils add to large spray bottle with water, mist walls & wipe dry, being very careful not to get them to wet or to leave on to long. Options to add: Lemon essential oil.

Spiders, Roaches & pests on walls or anywhere (repel): 20 drops peppermint essential oil in large spray bottle filled with water or added to one of your DIY spray cleaners. spray spiders directly then just wipe to remove any excess wetness after using a broom to remove spider (spider will probably still be alive) after removing all spiders spray areas they tend to live with your mixture, wipe off excess water, this might need to be repeated daily(also repels some other bugs & repels mice). You can also make a food grade diatomaceous earth & water mixture to spray, just do not add to much DE since it will clog the sprayer (Great for most pest in home & garden). To kill roaches add 1/4 to 1/2  cup of colloidal silver to a large spray bottle with water, or add 1/8th cup to your DIY spray cleaners, simply just use everywhere you have seen roaches & it repels them & you will start finding dead roaches.

I hope you are enjoying my blog series on cleaning with DIY products,


My blogs: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsNFR6K BloggerNFR6K DIY Green CleaningNaturally Teen Approved NFR6K Reviews

What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling? That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)
Facebook Pages:

You can also follow me on: Pinterest, Google+ & Twitter

Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)

SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments. In many cases these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

All  information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.


By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids