My top 10 uses for Vinegar, A Natural and Frugal Favorite

Vinegar for cleaning:
Straight 5 percent solution of vinegar kills 99 percent of bacteria, 82 percent of mold, and 80 percent of germs (viruses). Continue reading

Natural Do it Yourself Toilet & Toilet Bowl Cleaner Recipes – Easy, Safe, Effective (DIY)

I have shared other recipes for cleaning the bathroom but today I am just going to share a couple simple recipes/steps for cleaning your toilet not only totally homemade but safe, effective & natural & that is why I am here to share with you how to rid your life of horrible cleaners/chemicals. Continue reading

Borax is a great Safe, Natural Household Cleaner – DIY Recipes

Borax for cleaning:
Borax is used as a natural laundry booster, multipurpose cleaner, fungicide, preservative, insecticide, herbicide, disinfectant, dessicant. Borax is odorless. Borax cleans & bleaches by converting some water molecules to hydrogen peroxide. This reaction is better in hotter water. The pH of borax is about 9.5, so it produces a basic solution in water, thereby increasing the effectiveness of other cleaners. Continue reading

#6 A DIY Bedroom: How to be Green & Healthy

DIY all things Bedroom cleaning.

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The 6th blog post in my blog series on cleaning room by room, And in our bedrooms just like the rest of the house we still mainly use the same items as we do in any other DIY green cleaning around the whole house. Using the same multi purpose products in the whole house saves so much money & time & gives you peace of mind knowing you are not polluting the air with chemicals & you are not leaving toxic residue on mattresses or anywhere.

.Some of the things you need for DIY Bedroom are:

Make sure to check out my series of articles: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room, I will be adding articles on how to clean each room in your house, DIY, natural & frugal. Blog series of articles on: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room.

All things DIY for the whole house, Green cleaning, subjects being added: laundry, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, kids bedrooms, nursery, office, floors, walls, ceilings, vehicles, & Pest control.

BedroomA DIY Bedroom: How to Green & Healthy, but are these DIY ideas as effective to kill germs,bacteria odors & dust mites like commercial Bedroom cleaning  products do?
The fast answer is: You bet they are! (check out the other blog posts in this series linked to above for lots more info) And the best part no compromising your immune system.

Some info on effectiveness of DIY Green Cleaning.
Essential oils & Baking soda effective cleaners & at killing dust mites: A simple way to rid dust mites is to clean your mattress, carpet, and upholstered furniture using just baking soda and essential oils. According to this study, dust mites can be killed by using peppermint, eucalyptus or wintergreen essential oil. When combined with baking soda, which absorbs moisture, deodorizer and sanitizer, this powerhouse duo can be an extremely effective, natural, and non-toxic household cleaner. (HERE)

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Now onto how to make all things DIY Bedroom.

Mattress cleaning deodorizing & stain removal ideas.

To freshen, deodorizer & kill dust mites.
Add 2 cups of baking soda, 10 drops lavender essential oil, 5 to 10 drops Tea tree oil to a bowl use a fork & your fingers to evenly mix & break up clumps, simply sprinkle on bare mattress & work in with broom, brush or hands & let sit  on mattress several hours before vacuuming up. A great tip is to add this mixture to an empty parmesan cheese container for easy sprinkling.
Options to add to mixture: 1 cup of eucalyptus leaves ground in a blender till fine or other herbs fresh or dried, Any other essential oils you wish to add, 1/2 cup of corn starch (this is great to absorb oils etc) 1/4 cup salt,  1/2 cup of food grade Diatomaceous earth (to deodorize & kill fleas, mites, bed bugs, ants etc) 1/2 cup borax (helps freshen, remove odors, sanitize & kill critters) &/or several caps of peroxide just enough to make a nearly damp crumble (sanitizes, deodorizer, freshens, brightens & stain removal)

For pet pee or human pee on mattress.
Borax can remove the smell of urine from furniture and mattresses.  Just wet the areas of the mattress or furniture that are affected and shake on some Borax.  Wait for the whole thing to dry completely and then vacuum it away. (info from here)

kill Bed Bugs.
Simply sprinkle Food grade diatomaceous earth all over mattress (And room), between mattress & box springs, dust on legs & on the floor around legs, work into mattress with a broom or brush allow to sit overnight or longer is best to kill bed bugs effectively (can also kill spiders, ants, fleas, chiggers, mites, roaches & other creepy crawlies) Only vacuum mattress top, leave a DE layer between the mattress & box spring for however long you want, sweep & vacuum floors, baseboard etc, if you have an infestation leave some DE in corners & behind things, sprinkle in window seals, wash everything in hot water with Borax, And sit legs of bed in plastic bowls with DE in them.


Blood: use peroxide with a cotton ball, brush with toothbrush as needed, keep applying until gone

Ink: Rubbing alcohol with a cotton ball, brush with toothbrush as needed, keep applying until gone

Bodily oils etc: rub corn starch into area, brush with toothbrush as needed, leave several hours to absorb then simply brush off or vacuum.

Other stains:
#1 White vinegar, ball, brush with toothbrush as needed, keep applying until gone.
#2 baking soda & lemon juice &/or white vinegar brush with toothbrush as needed, keep applying until gone, then brush off or vacuum once dry.
#3 lemon juice & peroxide with a cotton ball, brush with toothbrush as needed, keep applying until gone.
#4 Borax & water paste brush with toothbrush as needed, keep applying until gone, then brush off or vacuum once dry.

Pee, pet pee, puke etc.
Spray spot with white vinegar or peroxide, pour a light covering of salt on area, make a slightly damp paste of baking soda & peroxide, add just a drop or 2 liquid natural soap mix & spread on area working in with a brush, allow to dry, brush off or vacuum, repeat if needed.

Marks on walls.
Baking soda & water paste rub with dry wash cloth, then wipe off (carefull not to remove paint)

Pillow, mattress, linen, closet & room spray deodorizer.
Large spray bottle, 10 drops lavender, 10 drops eucalyptus essential oils (or essential oils of choice), 1/4 cup witch hazel, fill the rest of the bottle with water & mist it around
Options to add: 1/2 cup white vinegar or peroxide, 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tsp Borax, 1/2 cup colloidal silver.

Room spray sanitizer & deodorizer.
Large spray bottle, fill 1/2 way with colloidal silver (or all the way) fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water, spray in the air & mist on mattress, linens curtains, walls etc & allow to air dry.
Options to add: 1/4 cup lemon juice, essential oils of choice, 1 tsp baking soda.

We use a duster misted with straight white vinegar & wipe them down easily, seems to also deter dust very well.

Nail holes in walls.
Make a thick paste with baking soda & water, or borax & water & simply fill holes, wait for them to dry & paint over them, this can also be done with white toothpaste.

Squeaky hinges & drawers
Use olive oil or Coconut oil just as you would WD40

Sachet ideas for drawers & closets
Use a mesh bag, bowl with lid & holes or sock tied, baking soda & favorite essential oils, just baking soda, baking soda & borax, baking soda & crushed dried eucalyptus leaves (or other dried herbs)  potpourri & baking soda &/or essential oils

And because this happened in my room, cleaning up spilled paint or paint specks on windows & floors.
For carpet or furniture add strait white vinegar to Shampoo machine & use on hot setting, works like a charm but may require multiple tries
For hardwood floor/furniture, walls, windows etc pain drippings or speckles, Warmed white vinegar in spray bottle & dry washcloth, toothbrush & scraper, also works like a charm, I usually let sit a minute or so before using one of my tools.

With all the cleaners above always do a spot check first, for info on cleaning windows, floors etc check out the other blog posts in this series.


Do you have a question? Do you want to contact me? It is easy to contact me with your questions. Go here


My blogs: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsNFR6K BloggerNFR6K DIY Green CleaningNaturally Teen Approved NFR6K Reviews

What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling? That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)
Facebook Pages:

You can also follow me on: Pinterest, Google+ & Twitter

Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)

SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments. In many cases these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

All  information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.


By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

My Favorite DIY House Cleaners – Natural, Effective, Safe, Non-Toxic, cleaning – Kid friendly

My favorite DIY cleaners.

For more great DIY ideas to clean the whole house check out my blog series: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room

Speaking of Favorite things here are some of my Favorite DIY cleaners.

Of course straight vinegar or vinegar & water in a spray bottle is the ultimate multi purpose cleaner, if you have vinegar & water you really do not need anything else, other than maybe a box of baking soda. White Vinegar kills 99 percent of bacteria, 82 percent of mold, and 80 percent of germs (viruses).

But of course there are also other great cleaners found in your kitchen & bathroom closet, lemon juice, salt, peroxide, essential oils, Borax, rubbing alcohol & as mentioned baking soda

they can be used separate or in combos for a cleaner safer home & they are effective & do not harm your immune system. Baking soda and vinegar kills all food germs and bacteria including E-coli and salmonella, naturally and safely.
Baking soda and white vinegar works exceptionally well in sanitizing counters and other food preparation surfaces–includes wood cutting board.

 In tests run at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Pairing the two killed virtually all Salmonella, Shigella, or E.Coli Bacteria on heavily contaminated food and surfaces when used in this fashion, making these 2 natural cooking ingredients more effective at killing these potentially lethal bacteria than chlorine bleach or any commercially available kitchen cleaner. White vinegar has been used for centuries to kill any mico-toxin, parasites or, fungal.


Make your own germ fighting natural multi-purpose cleaner Clean counters, sink, fridge inside & out, appliances, walls, table, tub & most other surfaces
What you need
16 oz spray bottle
1 cup of white vinegar
1 tsp baking soda ( add right after vinegar & add slowly because it will fizz)
Once fizzing stops fill the rest of the bottle up with water.
Thats it!
Options to add for more germ fighting power
2 tbsp of rubbing alcohol
10 to 30 drops lemon, tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus or other essential oil
20 drops thieves oil
2 tbsp colloidal silver
3 tbsp lemon or lime juice concentrate
1 tbsp washing soda
1 tbsp Borax
a few drops of natural liquid soap (or original blue dawn)
Shake & use
I also love cleaning & doing laundry with peroxide & lemon
Here it is, the bleach replacement we use for so many things
Color safe Whitener/Brightener/Disinfectant/Softener/Odor remover/Spot treater/Multi-Tasker
A Color safe bleach alternative that disinfectant for laundry (or Laundry Spot/Stain remover to replace shout in laundry  room) & can also be used as a disinfecting multi-surface cleaner (also gets odors out of clothing & makes a great sanitizer)
We do not use bleach
Instead we use 2 cups peroxide & 2 cups fresh lemon juice or lemon juice concentrate & add them to a empty gallon milk/vinegar jug & fill the rest of jug with water.
As a plus it not only is a color safe brightener/bleach it is also antibacterial & can also be used as a fabric softener & odor eliminator in the rinse cycle
For white loads add 1/2 cup to 2 cups, for colors add 1/2 cup to 1 cup.
Store jug when not in use in dark spot because of the peroxide in it.
You can also add this mixture to a spray bottle as a (non fading) multi purpose kitchen/bathroom cleaner or laundry spot remover etc
-Options: *I sometimes use 1 cup each peroxide & lemon instead of 2 cups
*I sometimes use some lime juice to make it lemon/lime
*You can also add 20 drops lemon essential oil to mixture for a more lemony scent & more disinfectant power (or other essential oil)
~What I do is add it to the bleach cycle & the rinse cycle on towels. whites etc for extra brightening/whitening & softening power plus odor eliminator.
For the cleaning cycle on your HE/Front loading washing machine  
DIY alternative to Tide Washing Machine Cleaner (& other brands) for front loading washer cleaning cycles
Instead of the cleaning packet use 1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda, 1/2 to 1 cup of 3% peroxide & a few drops of your favorite essential oil, tea tree oil is great because it kills mold & just run as normal,.
You can also use the above bleach alternative in the washer cleaning cycle if you prefer.
Recipe for Homemade All-Purpose Household Cleaner
■3 cups of hot water
■4 Tablespoons of vinegar
■1/4 cup of Borax
■1/2 Tablespoon of castile liquid soap (any scent) or other organic/natural liquid soap (or Original blue Dawn Dish soap)
Optional: add 10 drops essential oils, 2 tbs colloidal silver or  2 tbs Rubbing alcohol
Mix well and store in a spray bottle. Use as you would any commercial cleaner.
For a great mattress, carpet, furniture freshener
2 cups baking soda
10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops tea tree oil
or 15 drops of your favorite essential oil or essential oil combo, Lemon, orange, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary etc.
mix together & store in an old parm chesse shaker, shake on mattress, carpets, furniture etc  & work in, let sit awhile or even overnight & vacuum up, lavender is great for beds & helps you sleep. if you are having an odor that wont go away add 3 tbsp of peroxide to the mixture & mix up working it together with a fork, sprinkle the same as above & leve till dry, then vacuum up.
Soft scrub
1 cup of baking soda
1/4 cup of natural liquid soap
1 tbsp peroxide
1 tbsp water
10 to 15 drops of lemon essential oil
Store in an old soft scrub bottle, use just like soft scrub, the eucalyptus really cleans scummy tubs, the scrubbing power of baking soda cleans better than harsh abrasives, lemon cleans calcium deposits, peroxide is a whitener/brightener
Room spray
16 oz spray bottle
20 to 40 drops of your favorite essential oil
10 drops Tea tree oil
1 tbsp baking soda
1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol (or white vinegar or both)
1//4 cup colloidal silver (optional)
Dissolve baking soda in a bit of water add everything to spray bottle slowly (vinegar will fizz with baking soda)
Hot water, & white vinegar, for tough jobs add a few drops of liquid dish soap & a couple of caps of lemon juice
Orange vinegar for cleaning
add peels from 3 to 5 oranges to a jar, fill jar with white vinegar, seal with lid & sit for 2 weeks or longer in a cupboard, strain out vinegar, for cleaning mix 50/50 with water, you can use this great smelling vinegar in any of your DIY cleaners. To use it as a hair rinse or face wash simply make it with Apple Cider vinegar instead of white vinegar.
For more info go here
To scrub stuck on food mix salt & baking soda in a paste with water & scrub with a sponge
For oven cleaner
spray oven with straight vinegar
Sprinkle on baking soda & salt, spray again if needed so all is moist (optional add lemon essential oil)
let sit 15 to 20 minutes, & clean out, any stubborn spots use the salt & baking soda paste to scrub


Do you have a question? Do you want to contact me? It is easy to contact me with your questions. Go here


My blogs: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsNFR6K BloggerNFR6K DIY Green CleaningNaturally Teen Approved NFR6K Reviews

What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling? That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)
Facebook Pages:

You can also follow me on: Pinterest, Google+ & Twitter

Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)

SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments. In many cases these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

All  information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.


By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids