Emile Noël Artisan oils: Virgin Macadamia oil – Organic – Cold Pressed – Unrefined – Recipes

Emile Noël

Huilerie Emile Noël uses a time-tested artisanal production method. Its traditional presses – very old but carefully maintained – extract oil slowly and carefully. Unlike in modern presses, the seeds don’t get too hot and instead release their oil slowly – the ideal way to respect the seeds and their flavors.


Organic Virgin Nut Oils

Our organic nut oils are unrefined and virgin oils. In our artisanal production method, cleaned, healthy nuts are first cold pressed in a traditional press, without solvents or chemicals. The oil is then filtered several times through blotting paper, and then stored in a dark, cool place.

Organic Macadamia Oil

This oil is cold pressed from the decadent macadamia nut, extracting a light oil. With a subtle taste of macadamia nuts, this oil is light, nutty and buttery in flavor. Available in 8.5 fl oz.

USDA Organic – First cold pressed – Contains 8g omega 9 fatty acids per serving. – Suggested uses: Raw, in dressings or on vegetables.

Guess what? I had never actually tried unrefined Macadamia oil & wow it is amazing, I am in love with the fresh nutty favor. Yes I have loved macadamia nuts forever, they are one of my favorite nuts & yes I have made fresh macadamia nut butter as well. But to get to try this truly organic & virgin Macadamia nut oil by Emile Noël was a sublime treat for my taste buds & sent my brain spinning looking for recipes to savor & spotlight that amazing nutty taste. It did not take me long to get right to making an amazing macadamia-sm1vinaigrette dressing & having an amazing leafy green salad, I will share this recipe & a few others with you, & I promise they are amazing & mouth watering.

Vinaigrette dressing: 3 tbsp Macadamia nut oil by Emile Noël, 2 tbsp Olive oil by Emile Noël 1 tsp of vinegar (such as apple cider, balsamic or rice vinegar), 1 tsp lemon juice, add natural unrefined salt & course pepper to taste then mix. Options to add(add all or just 1 or 2): 1 tbsp of Parmesan cheese, 1 to 2 tbsp Feta Cheese, 1 tsp parsley, 1 tbsp fresh minced garlic, 1 tbsp fresh minced onions, 1 tbsp of room temp virgin coconut oil, 1 dash of ground turmeric.

Fresh bread dipping sauce (such as sourdough): In a small bowl add 1/4 cup Macadamia nut oil by Emile Noël  & 1/4 cup Olive oil by Emile Noël . I like to dip with no extras, I also liked just using the macadamia oil, but you can add others things as well. Options to add(add all or just 1 or 2): Dash crushed red pepper, dash black pepper, dash salt, parsley, fresh minced garlic & onions.

Potato salad: 1 pound  cooked & cut little red potatoes with peel still on, 6 hard boiled eggs sliced, 1 small onion diced, 1/2 cup Mayonnaise, 2 tbsp Macadamia nut oil by Emile Noël,  1 tsp of vinegar (such as apple cider, balsamic or rice vinegar), add course black pepper, parsley & natural unrefined salt to taste, mix & chill. Options to add(add all or just 1 or 2): Sliced pitted black olives, dash ground turmeric, minced garlic, diced bell peppers, you can also add more or less Mayo depending on your likes.

Butter replacement for steamed vegetables (& other foods):  In a small bowl add 1/4 cup Macadamia nut oil by Emile Noël  & 1/4 cup Olive oil by Emile Noel. Add to cooked steamed vegetables on your plate. Options to add(add all or just 1 or 2): Dash crushed red pepper, dash black pepper, dash salt, parsley,  some raw coconut oil.

I have to say I am now addicted to the nuttiness of the Macadamia nut oil by Emile Noël, I love it sArtisan macadamia oilo much that I want to try their other nut & seed oils, If you are looking for a quality fresh tasting oil check out Emile Noël.

Connect with Emile Noël online: Website, Facebook & Twitter @EmileNoelUSA

Disclaimer: Emile Noël  provided me with free samples of the products to review, and I was under no obligation to review it. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review. (or do a giveaway)


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What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling?

That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil(click link for ordering info)
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Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

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By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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